Bijlagen | Arbeidsdeskundigen

Verslavingsproblematiek en re-integratie

Bijlage 1: Ingeschakelde commentatoren

Dr. Evelien Brouwers, Tranzo, Tilburg University

Prof. Dr. H Roozen, Tranzo, Tilburg University

Bijlage 2: Gehanteerde bronnen en verwijzingen naar literatuur/richtlijnen/jurisprudentie

Biegel DE, Beimers D, Stevenson LD et al (2009). Predictors of referral to supported employment among consumers with co-occurring mental and substance use disorders. Community Mental Health Journal, 45: 427-438.

Baldwin ML, Marcus SC & De Simone J (2010). Job loss discrimination and former substance use disorders. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 1-7, doi:10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2010.01.018.

Van Boekel LC, Brouwers EP, van Weeghel J, Garretsen HF (2013). Stigma among health professionals towards patients with substance use disorders and its consequences for healthcare delivery: systematic review. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2013 Jul 1;131(1-2):23-35.

Van Boekel LC, Brouwers EPM, Van Weeghel J & Garretsen HFL , Evelien PM Brouwers, Jaap van Weeghel and Henk FL Garretsen. (2014). Comparing stigmatising attitudes towards people with substance use disorders between the general public, GPs, mental health and addiction specialists and clients. Int J Soc Psychiatry published online 9 December 2014 DOI: 10.1177/0020764014562051.

De Bruijn, C. , van den Brink, W., De Graaf,R., & Volleberg, W.A.M. (2006). The three year course of alcohol use disorders in the general population: DSM-IV, ICD-10 and the Craving Withdrawal Model. Addiction, 101(3), 385–392.

Cunningham, J.A., & McCambridge, J. (2012). Is alcohol dependence best viewed as a chronic relapsing disorder? Addiction, 107(1), 6–12.

GGZ (2013). Een visie op verslaving en verslavingszorg: Focus op preventie en herstel. Publicatienummer 2013/392.

De Graaf R, Ten Have M. & Van Dorsselaer (2010). De psychische gezondheid van de Nederlandse bevolking. NEMESIS-2: Opzet en eerste resultaten.

Hogue A, Dauber S, Dasaro C & Morgenstern J (2010). Predictors of employment in substance-using male and female welfare recipients. Journal of Substance Abuse and Treatment, 38, 108-118.

Koffarnus MN, Wong CJ, Diemer K et al (2011). A randomized clinical trial of a Therapeutic Workplace for Chronically unemployed, homeless alcohol dependent adults. Alcohol and Aloholism, 46;(5): 561-569.

Kosten, T.R. (2011). Stress and Addiction. American Journal of Psychiatry, 168(6), 566-567.

Mueser KT, Campbell K & Drake RE (2011). The effectiveness of supported employment in people with dual disorders. Journal of Dual Diagnosis; 1(7): 90-102.

Richardson L, Wood E, Li K & Kerr T (2010). Factors associated with employment among a cohort of injection drug users. Drug and Alcohol Review, 29; 293

Roozen, H.G., van de Wetering, B.J. (2007). Neuropsychiatric insights in clinical practice: from relapse prevention toward relapse management. American Journal on Addictions, 16(6),530-531.300.

Strickler DC, Whitley R, Becker DR & Drake RE (2009). First person accounts of long-term employment activity among people with dual diagnosis. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 32(4); 261-268.

Svikis DS, Keyser-Marcus L, Stitzer M et al (2012). Randomized multi-site trial of the job seekers’ workshop in patients with substance use disorders. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 120 (1-3): 55-64.

Webster MJ, Staton-Tindall M, Dickson MF et al (2014). Twelve month employment intervention outcomes for drug-involved offenders. The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse. 40(3): 200-205.

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